with Jessica Camino (Jiwan Mukta Kaur)

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What is Coaching?
Professional coaching is an ongoing partnership that helps clients produce fulfiling results in their personal and professional lives. Through the process of coaching, clients deepen their learning, improve their performance, and enhance their quality of life.— The International Coach Federation

How does coaching differ from consulting, therapy?
Coaching is a form of consulting, but coaches stay with the client to ensure action plans are followed up on and new skills are implemented. Coaching is not therapy, it is not meant to work on issues such as addictions, severe depression, phobias or abusive patterns. Clients do not come to coaching because they are broken or need fixing. In fact, people have the answers and the means to the answers within. The coaching process draws these answers out. The focus is on the present and the future; helping clients to set personal and professional goals so they can live their ideal lives.

Does a coach work on personal goals
or business/professional goals?
Coaches work with both. Coaches are the only professionals trained to work with all aspects of you. Coaches look at the various aspects of your life: career, health, finances, personal development, fun & recreation, physical environment, significant other and friends & family. These areas of life are interconnected and usually overlap in unique ways, they don’t exist separately. A coach takes a holistic approach to your whole life.

Can I hire a coach just for a short-term, special project?
Certainly. Some clients hire a coach to help them accomplish specific goals or projects and quite often the client keeps working with their coach. Once clients experience success in other areas of their lives that they never felt was possible, they tend to want more!